‘Chennai 36′ is managed by Content and Digital Media Team of the I&AR Student Council of IIT Madras and hopes to bring together students and alumni.

Dear Alumni,

This space is open to contributions on any theme under the sun from you. We aspire to provide a platform for you to share your knowledge and experience with all those who have passed through the gates of IIT Madras. We believe that this will help many get the right guidance and that it is also a chance for you to stay connected with our institute. We look forward to hearing from you! Write to us at Chennai 36 Head.

Dear Students,

Our alumni are everywhere: all around the world and in every field. Chennai36 gives you a chance to learn from their varied experiences and thus can help you make better decisions. We hope this blog makes an interesting read, with quirky insights from our alumni.

Dear World,

This is a collection of stories of IITians and the niches they have carved out for themselves. Just like the branches of the banyan trees that grace our campus all of them have spread in different directions; but they are still connected  by the pursuit of excellence.

Everyone, sit back, relax, and enjoy reading.

The Chennai36 Team